Something else coming.  This is what I keep getting over and over.  Third. Trifecta. Trinity.

Ok I am being told to put this in here AT THE TOP SO PEOPLE WILL READ IT.  SO PLEASE FREAKIN’ READ THIS – and then read the rest.

LAY DOWN THIS GUN CONTROL FIGHT.  NO MATTER WHICH SIDE YOU ARE ON.  The FIGHTING is FEEDING SOMETHING.  Something we don’t want.  I keep seeing the “negative” as the Grinch.  Standing there smirking, saying,


This fight over guns reminds me of the Native American Story about TWO WOLVES -which I grabbed from this pretty amazing site:


Two Wolves

An old Cherokee told his grandson that a battle that goes on inside each us. The battle is between two ‘wolves’. One ‘wolf’ is Evil. It has anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other ‘wolf’ is Good. It has joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

I ask you to consider, if you are fighting, which one are you feeding?  I’m not interested in getting into politics – and this isn’t about politics anyway.  It’s a simple question with a simple answer  – WHICH ONE DO YOU FEED?



UGH.  While receiving today, I thought, maybe I am just driving myself crazy with this.  I’m going to take a break here in a few but wanted to share this:  I consulted the Tarot Deck which I have only recently started to learn, and use as a tool – similar to how I used the Doreen Virtue Angel Deck.

I did a quick reading basing thought on Adam Lanza and received what I imagined I would, the reading included the Seven of Swords – a thief, and Inverted Fool, a confused individual.  I wish I had photographed the reading but I didn’t.  I can’t remember anything else about it.

But then I did a one card pull regarding this feeling that there is a third event.  This is the card I got:

three of swords

This is my answer.  Three swords inserted in to a heart.  Sorrow and pain.  Tears fall like rain in the back.  The card is INVERTED, so this is the description of the Upright Three of Swords – as taken from READING TAROT CARDS – by Susan Hansson the book that accompanies the Palladini Deck.  These are from her writings – Susan is a dear friend of mine, so I hope she doesn’t mind…

Three of Swords:  Upright: Heartache and Sorrow.  Tears and Anguish.  Forced separations, loss of love or loved ones.  loneliness.  Emotional Upheaval.  Difficult trying time.  Intense Emotional Pain or Scars.  Betrayals.  Disappointment in Love.

These are the meanings of the INVERTED or REVERSED card.  Sorrow to a lesser degree.  Confusion, Possible danger of position being compromised.  Disorder.  Broken Promises.  Quarreling, Conflict, War.

Even though the reversed card is to a lesser degree, it’s still denoting pain and sorrow.

After reading this I took a short break to peel eggs for deviled eggs that I was going to take to a party I’m not going to make it to.  While I was doing that I KEPT getting:  a feeling of agitation.  A disappointment.  I heard “They are already forgetting”.  and “This can still be avoided.”  Almost coming from two different places, one of good the other…a place desiring pain.  The Angel and Devil on the shoulder almost.

So this is what I take from the reading and what I received after.  We must continue to hold Connecticut in our hearts.  We cannot go back to our everyday lives and forget.  This doesn’t mean wallow in the pain, it means let it change us for good.  Let us carry it to our own families to bond us together.  There is one “side” that wants Chaos and destruction, another that wants peace and love.   Please no one start talking to me about devils here – it’s not a red man with a pitchfork, it’s the collective consciousness.  Telling us, well, you asked for this.  All of this worry and focus on 2012 has brought this to us.  Mayan’s started what you now can finish – you decide the way.  The Mayan’s played their part with that damn calendar that so many people put validity in and now we are living the outcome.  So Sandy Hooks happens and people say, “WHY>>> How did this tragedy happen???”

So that is the Negative talking, right?  Here is Light’s response:  Continue to hold space.  Continue to do whatever it is you do, the best way you know how.  PRAY.  Comfort.  Support.  LOVE.  Families KEEP that bond that this tragedy has afforded us.  Strengthen it and grow it.

Be the WHOS and SING.

whos singing


I see the Grinch smirking.  But Remember what happened at the end?

We can do this.


SO – I am reaching out to anyone who walks in light.  Light workers, Energy workers, Indigos, our Stars and Crystals.  If you practice DEEKSHA – YOU TOO.  Let’s get the word out to the Deeksha Community right away. WHATEVER RELIGION YOU FOLLOW OR DON’T FOLLOW – This means you too.

Whatever this third thing is, can be avoided.

It just takes strength, love and light.  In the case that it happens anyway – so be it.  We will just have to stand where we are and continue to hold space – keeping our umbrellas open.  Whatever the result all things happen in perfect time.  Let’s put what we have out there and have faith in the best.

Please join me in broadcasting LOVE AND LIGHT.  No matter who you are if you stop here I ask you to leave a comment that simply says LOVE.  Then tell someone about what we need to do.  Thank you to anyone who response, in advance.