Tag Archive: healing

Say Anything is one of the greatest movies of all time.

I’ve had the amazing experience lately of being able to relive the 80’s again, but in a whole new way.  Recently I had the  joy of interviewing my dear old friend and new author Kari Luna on my radio show (here’s the link to that show:http://paramaniaradio.com/On-Demand.php?ondemanddir=Traveling%20Psychic%20Supper%20Club )- she wrote a bad ass book all about the 80’s, mixed tapes and kooky wonderful outfits, which also includes physics, loving friends and a wonderful story.  Her book is called The Theory of Everything.  You should read it.  it’s Awesome.  The 80’s were Awesome!  And we lived it.  The music the clothes, the awkward situations… everything….SO –  I watched Say Anything this morning with my daughter, who is 15.  I just let her watch it, and didn’t add anything.  That’s the way to watch a movie like that, without any extra stuff to think about.  But here’s the stuff I wanted to say:

Actually, I’m not going to tell you the things I wanted to say about the movie or the people in the movie and where they are now…  I’ll see what everyone remembers about the movie, how it made you feel, or what you think of it now, watching it again as an adult or watching it for the first time.  I’d love it if you added a comment about your thoughts on Say Anything…..Either way, watch it.  This is something I got out of it….and was thinking about as I was watching it.

I am lucky.  NO – I am tremendously lucky.  Diane, the main character in the movie has this wonderful relationship with her father, where she can literally say anything.  It made me start thinking about the people in my life, and how I too, can say anything.  I am amazingly grateful for this.  It has to do with dropping fear.  For me, but also for the people around me, not being afraid.  In the past few weeks I’ve had some opportunities to tell someone, and hear back from someone – Anything.  And coming from a place of not being afraid, was the key.  Not being afraid they couldn’t handle it.  Not being afraid it was the wrong thing.  Or would be taken the wrong way.  Just knowing what I was saying was the right thing – the only thing – this person at this time expected to hear from me.  This is tremendously freeing.  To be able to SAY and HEAR ANYTHING.

No, it’s not always been that way.  Who hasn’t been Diane Court, amazingly hopeful, also disappointed, afraid, not knowing what to do or what comes next?  On a pedestal one minute, then had the rug pulled out, not knowing how bad the fall is going to be?  Who hasn’t been Lloyd Dobler – put it all out there, told the truth, gotten smashed?  Had the opportunity to be the one with the upper hand, and used it with love?  Who hasn’t been Jim Court, wanting to hold onto what you’ve got, while you’re losing everything, living in a prison of poor choices and grave mistakes, created out of sheer love, but turned wrong somewhere all because of wanting to protect someone we love?  Who hasn’t been looked up to, or the one looking up to them?  The one standing on the rug, or the one having the rug pulled out, hard and fast?  The one needing a hand, or the one extending it?  The mistake maker, or the one the mistake was made against?  Who hasn’t been all of them, in one lifetime, at one point or another?

I heard In Your Eyes a whole new way today too, the song Lloyd plays for Diane, yes the iconic  with John Cusack holding the boom box in the rain – there’s only a piece of it, here:  And if you haven’t watched the movie, DON’T WATCH THIS!!  Watch the movie first.  But if you’ve seen it, it’s a nice little recap.  And you get to hear the song.  I like what it says, we’re all complete.  Not YOU COMPLETE ME.  But we are all complete in each other’s eyes.  Especially the eyes of those we love.

Watching this movie again after so many years of experiences…I have a new perspective.  And it’s just as wonderful as my perspective when I saw it the first time.  It’s one of hope.  With a lifetime of education.  It’s waking up not knowing every day, but working with what I’ve got, flying, Like Diane, into the future, with people around and behind me, each a Lloyd Dobler, who is turning it UP past the red line.  We all are each of the characters, looking up, in anticipation, waiting for it, waiting for it…



My last post was about feeling stuck.  But at the writing of this post, the waters are swirling, the flood gates are open, waves are crashing and its GO TIME.  So this post is about Catfish, which I’ve almost been obsessed about lately, A Course in Miracles which has come back into my life with a positive vengeance and oddly, animal totems.  Please stay with me.  This is going to be a true stream of consciousness experience.  If you live in a cave and don’t know about Catfish, you can click on the picture below to go straight to the official MTV page.  

CATFISH means a lot of different things to me and the extended people in my current experience – and they know who they are, he he.  Having said that, no, I’ve never Catfished anyone, nor have I been Catfished.  I didn’t have much thought about it, I don’t watch any shows on MTV.  But then Catfish came onto my radar when we started working on our show, and was brought to my attention from the farthest place I would have thought, Kelly, a very logical member of the Traveling Psychic Supper Club told me about it.  Wait.  Kelly told me to watch something on MTV.  This caught my attention.  So I watched it.  And I liked it.  Then I forgot about it, kind of.  I always really liked the human aspect of it, and that Nev had been through it himself, so could relate to the very real emotions those that had been “catfished” were experiencing.  I connected to that, because psychically I have always had the experience of connecting to people – friends, acquaintances and the people I read through stories and personal experience.  

So since the new Catfish season is about to start, it’s been all over MTV again.  I was able to sit down and watch the Catfish movie – which really caught my attention, the ending when two people sit down, face to face, the hurter and the hurt and face each other just raw and exposed – to talk in a place of no defense, no judgment, it just is what it is.  That is powerful.  And that makes me think of the work I’ve done in the past years via A Course in Miracles – which I’ve recently picked up again, in perfect time, again, in relation to Kelly.  This non-coincidence is not lost on me.  🙂

If you are familiar with the Course, you know how amazing it is.  If you aren’t then you should look into it.  Even if it’s just to figure out the connection between the Course and Catfish.  The Course teaches everything is love.  Pain, Anger and Judgment are all just Love, flipped and looked at the wrong way.  That we are all one, so in being all one, no person is separate from each other, or our source, which is also part of the one.  So since we are not separate, how can one person harm or hurt another?  That this existence is just this amazingly precise fabrication – a dream that we have created to see ourselves as separate.  But we’re not.  So that brings me back to Catfish.

So obviously in the show, as in the original movie we are following a story – a profile of a non-existent person has been fabricated to create a relationship that without that fabrication (at least on one side) wouldn’t exist.  A whole relationship – has been fabricated.  It’s a dream that both parties have subscribed to – and have created this whole other existence on.  To both, it’s very real – a story they’ve both subscribed to and fallen into.  This is a tiny variation of this dream state we have collectively fabricated – that separates us all as individuals.  In Catfish the Movie we are viewers, and are able to watch this unfolding which, by all normal means should end in a conflict, a fight, defenses and anger.  But it doesn’t.  It’s amazing.  It ends simply in a desire to understand, and still, through a betrayal, connect.  And in this, the opportunity is presented to see Angela’s side, something that wouldn’t have happened if all the above emotions had had their way.  And when I saw it, her side, as I’m sure others did as well, I could say, “wow” – OK, this person is totally isolated, and in this attempt to reach out, in the most hidden of ways, I get it.  I wouldn’t do it, but I can GET IT.  And you see the whole crew – Nev especially – GET IT.  And those emotions of anger – you can see them turn.  I think that’s pretty amazing.  And it’s a start.  It’s a start of something big, and a wave, a chance to see someone not as canniving, manipulative or a user, but as vulnerable, afraid and seeing themselves as not good enough.  In that, forgiveness, and a human connection is made.  I get it.  And I like it.  The concept is presented as entertaining, which is the hook, but the underlying story of shared forgiveness and connection is not lost.  At all.  It is a seed that is planted, that in some places will grow.  This is something I (We) hope to create with our own show – not in the way like Catfish, but seeing it present there shows me we can – Through a Psychic Connection, shared through a story.  

So when I was looking up different stuff about Catfish – I came across this on http://www.starstuffs.com/animal_totems/dictionary_of_wateranimals.html– which perfectly describes where I am right now.   And it does a pretty good job of describing what Catfish the show is creating too.  Pretty Amazing. 


Transformation of the spirit, time to discard what is not needed any more, teaches to have a greater sensitivity in communication. Listen and feel to what is going on around you. Catfish will teach discernment with heightened senses along with sharpening intuitions and feelings. Fish in general show how to swim the currents of life, use of intuition to navigate effectively, aids in attuning to the world of emotions, the un/subconscious and other-worlds, heightened senses including visions, dreams and related psychic abilities. Do you currently feel stuck? The river says it is time flow. Fish can show how to ride the tide to new adventures.

HELL YEA!!  My whirlpool is spinning and the waters are rushing.  And I am ready.  The River says it’s time to flow.  I’m ready to ride the tide to new adventures, with the perfect pieces and people around me.  

I’m with the River, I Say – It’s GO TIME. 




It’s been forever since I’ve written anything here, thoughts have been coming in and out for sure, just not making it to the page.  A lot has gone on in the last month.  I’ll go into that later at some point…but specifically in the past 15 hours I’ve had a proverbial Psychic “shot in the arm”.  So if this writing is a little rusty, I’m trying to just get back into it, so forgive me if this is a bumpy ride…

Long Island Medium started again last night which I sat down and watched some of with my daughter after an exhausting Mother’s Day (hope all you Moms out there had a great day!)  It gave me a couple of different boosts…While watching the show I’m picking up my own cues from the person being read.  I enjoy watching LIM for that reason, it’s kind of like an opportunity to read, without any kind of pressure (that I place on myself) during a reading to “say the right thing”.  Not that I ever know what that is anyway.  Usually “the right thing” is the kookiest thing that could possibly come out of my mouth!

Case in point.

Last night I had a very vivid dream – that included a sink and my favorite Beastie Boy.  And (in the dream) that Beastie Boy’s cousin.  Upon waking, someone’s face/name popped into my head.  In my world, this only means one thing.  I’ve got a phone call to make.  A very weird phone call.

(And no, my psychic phone is not a red rotary phone,

but I like this picture much more than a boring old Iphone sitting on the counter.  It makes me laugh)

So before saying anything else, I’ve got to say this.  Yes, it’s weird.  It’s uncomfortable. It’s not something I want to do, call someone and say…”Uh, Hey, UM…What’s up, yea, I had this dream that I’m supposed to tell you about…” – Luckily this is someone who knows me “psychically”  – which it sounds like it would, but it doesn’t really make it any easier.  Even as a psychic, I second guess myself.  I say, “Yea, that’s crazy – I’m not going to say that!”   but like I tell EVERYBODY ELSE, you can’t judge it.  Judging it pushes it away.  Second guessing it, nope, can’t do it.  Maybe it’s not for you to get.  In my case, it’s never for me to get.  It’s for the receiver.  I’m just the messenger.  I will say it’s easier for me to give a message to someone who has actually COME TO ME for information, more than someone I  just out of the blue have to call on a Monday.

But here’s the kicker.  The information made sense to the person it was meant for.  And it addressed a question.  The sink was almost thrown in there for me, as a validation.   And THAT’S Pretty Freakin’ Awesome.  So what does this mean for you?  This cryptic story about dreams and not second guessing yourself?  It means if you have a feeling that you need to share something, share it.  If you see an opportunity, take it.  Even if it feels absolutely crazy.

Happy Saturday Everyone  🙂

I’ve had a lot of amazing conversations lately. The one unifying factor is this: WE ARE ALL EQUAL.

Last week I spoke at our school district’s annual conference and at one point I noted, and it’s completely true – I see everyone as a peer. Wether you are the Superintendent of schools, or a 4th grader, you are my peer. I have something to learn from either, and both.

Based on that one way of thinking can you see everyone as an equal? How can that be applied to everyday life? And what is the bigger idea here? For me – it’s NO JUDGEMENT.  Of OTHERS and of SELF.  This is huge – and it was huge for me.

Here’s a list of people – as you read it how do you feel? ABOVE or BELOW?  Let’s make this a visual exercise, but with no pictures.  When you read the list, see the individuals in your mind, and check in with your body – using the two words ABOVE AND BELOW

Your (or your kids) DOCTOR
Your (or your kids) TEACHER


So anyone who you see as “ABOVE” you…can you see them as a peer? Seeing everyone as a peer – and treating them as such removes obstacles between people.   And it works in a ripple effect.  How much judgement do we impose on OURSELVES and each other because we expect someone else to have all of the answers because of what we are told is an elevated position?  How much pressure can we take off of ourself and each other by seeing every single person we encounter as a peer?

Here’s another list.  Use the same technique – ABOVE AND BELOW – check in when you see the individual in your mind’s eye.

Your COWORKERS  The Barista at Starbucks

the Custodian in your building  Your NEIGHBORS



Can you see all of the people in the lists ACROSS THE BOARD as an EQUALS  Or do you see the top list as authority figures and the people on the second list as below you?

Where do you feel the most empowered?  The most disheartened?  Can you flip it?  If you aren’t enjoying life – can you flip it?

What does flipping it look like for you?  For me, it’s taking the judgement off.  Of everyone, myself included.  And not projecting my perceptions of a situation onto others involved.  Taking a step back.  Looking at any given situation as a viewer, not a participator.

Taking the Judgement off of OTHERS as well as OURSELVES creates opportunity for amazing transformations to take place.   Have you had a situation that you can remember that had a positive outcome, different from the usual negative outcome that happened because you took the judgement off?  I’ll bring it back to being psychic, clairvoyant, precognative, whatever term applies to you.  Have you ever had your ability perk up and instead of stuffing it back down or second guessing it, you just acknowledged it without judgement?  Can you share it here?  I look forward to hearing from you.  And promise to have NO JUDGEMENT.  🙂  Have an amazing weekend!

Hello again and hope all is well. I’m led today to talk about positive connections – seeing them, making them, and appreciating them – to keep bringing them to yourself, your work and your life.

The Traveling Psychic Supper Club and I are all about connections. We love sharing new ones with new members, seeing who fits in with who where, what experiences we have shared that are similar, and where we are going together. Everyone has their own special connections within the group. Like a ripple effect on a pond there are those of us in the inner circle, those that are on the outer edges of the circle, then those of us that have come in then out, but that are always welcome, whenever they can make it. I’m meeting people all of the time that are moving int “the new energy” of making positive connections, and letting go of old ones that no longer serve them. It’s an exciting place to be. Here’s what I’m talking about.

I’m meeting more and more people who are outright, with no excuses and no fear living their passions. Taking steps off of cliffs into the unknown, feeling the rush of the wind and knowing – EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK. No matter what. I’m trusting. I’m KNOWING. I’m EXPERIENCING and I AM SAFE. I’m taking care of myself, because I am feeding myself and my soul. And in turn, feeding others and their souls. In this way, if you can see that you are always safe, there is no unknown. Even the things that come into your life that are…hmm, shall I say unexpected, or a sudden event or even a tragedy – depending on how you see it, are a part of your path and the journey.

I’ve had some people ask me lately, but what about me? Everyone at my job is so negative, or my family – they just don’t get me, or this or that or whatever else is keeping me from being happy…what about me? In my work with kids, it is so much easier to see people for who they really are. Can you see anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable as…a kid? Can you see the things around THEM that make them unhappy? I’ve been working on a bullying presentation that I’m going to be giving at our District Conference next month. I’ve been looking at the difficulty of Bullying, while addressing issues of FEAR and LOVE. When someone is agitating you, or you out right just can’t stand them or their ways, are you looking at them through FEAR or LOVE? Can you see the child they are, and what could be agitating them? Can you take a walk in their shoes in other words? You may see that their shoes are way too tight, rubbing over and over creating blisters and pain. Maybe their parents can’t afford new shoes, so they have to wear these uncomfortable ones. Or maybe they have holes on the bottom, which cause them embarrassment or shame.

Can you really take a good look at those shoes?

They may fit perfectly fine, but not the BRAND that kid wanted, which causes resentment and again, shame, nothing is ever right. Can you see those shoes and all the external judgement that child feels from them? Now can you see the kid IN those shoes? When your feet hurt, you can’t focus on anything else. Maybe that’s what’s “wrong” with those people who agitate you. Maybe they have so many “wrongs” going on in their life, they can’t see past it. And when you walk up in BARE FEET, talking about how great everything is… When someone is living in pain, or fear, they don’t want to hear about how great your life is, and how you are living your passion. But instead of getting angry at that person, remember their shoes, and love them, right there for who they are. It may be that love that gives them an opportunity not to be angry or judge you, but look down at their shoes and think about how they can be happy too. Everyone rubs off on someone else. Everyone plants a seed somewhere. If you are living in the flow of life, and living your passion today, stepping off cliffs, keep doing it, someone is watching you and may just take your que to take off those ratty old shoes and do the same thing.

I received this email recently and when I went to respond directly to the writer, I got a mailer daemon.  So I thought I would respond here on the blog, since I think this is information for us all.  Please read on…from Reader A.
Hi Deborah
 I was just reading over your blog and found it very interesting.  I am so sorry you have to see those glimpses of events, it sure does sound like torture.  I don’t know if you have any mediumistic abilities or know anyone who does, but I have been feeling increasing anxiety over those souls who were lost in the CT shooting.  I am so worried that these people won’t realize they were killed or even worse that the spirit of the shooter could still be holding them there.  I really hope these adults and children all made their way safely into the light.  I wish there was some way to know for sure.  This was my idea to help.  I certainly hope these victims are not still suffering, even after the death of their physical bodies.
Reader A.
I have received many messages and emails like this so I think it is looking to be addressed.
Please know I am not trying to upset anyone by this response, but only am relaying information I have received.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families.  __________________________________________________________________________________________
My Response:
Thank you so much for taking the time to write.  Please don’t feel anxious for the souls that have past.  Although it may sound crazy, it was a part of their path, their parent’s path, and also amazingly the killer Adam Lanza’s path. They have played a role in a much bigger picture – to create an opportunity for love and connection across the planet.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and she said, “why did it have to be little kids??  Why did it have to be so terrible”  In response I heard the words – “It had to be so terrible to make people take notice.  To stop everyone, to make them pause to then come together.  It was the only way to get the world’s attention.”  and that made sense to me.  I know this is difficult for us to comprehend, it is even for me, but it’s true.
Know that the children and staff have crossed over perfectly.  Others were actually preparing for this on the other side.  Over there, this is a joyous occasion.  Hard to believe but it’s true.  They went home.  🙂  Heartbreaking for those of us left behind, especially the parents and families, but it’s part of a larger design.  And they are honored and loved everywhere because of it.
I would like to encourage anyone with questions to ASK them here on the blog.  Or send them to me personally.  I am doing my part to help – and this blog is a big piece of that.  So please – if you have questions, ASK.  I will do my best to help.
Thank you for reading, and peace to all.  Let’s continue to send love and support to Connecticut, and around the world.
– Deborah

Hello Everyone –

I have been receiving emails from around the planet.  I received one that opened something up for me, and I wanted to share my response here – If I get the go ahead from the sender, I will share the original email in comments below.  I invite you to KEEP sharing your personal experiences here – we are connected and meant to speak up – share our stories.  Thank you to everyone who has shared theirs.

Thank you so much for the wonderful email.  We share that connection of receiving information – and then having that overwhelming sick feeling when what we were seeing finally makes sense.  Ugh, I know that exact feeling in that exact moment.  I hope that is subsiding a bit today for you, as for me, I am seeing something amazing.
Those of us who “saw” or “felt” prior to the event – we are meant to be something like the pole that holds up a massive tent – that’s the best way of explaining – and funny, originally I saw an umbrella, then said that about the tent, and spirit said to me, NO – say an umbrella!  So, OK!  we are like the supporting pole of an umbrella – meant to stand up WHERE WE ARE and project love and light to hold up this huge web of supporting love for others.  That’s our jobs in this time.
I am also seeing something else – the part of How The Grinch Stole Christmas – when the Grinch steals the Who’s gifts and they sing anyway.  Their joy lifting up to grow the Grinch’s heart.
This is overwhelming to me.  A Love and Joy is growing that is expanding up and over the broken-hearted, love rising up through the cracks of pain and grief.  Holding those in pain with compassion.  Pulling them into ourselves and offering our own hearts to offer relief and comfort and expecting nothing in return.  Now I understand the umbrella.  We are each making the choice to open our own umbrellas one to cover another, opening here and there, all over, to create one large cover of love.  I ask you – please open your umbrella and let’s connect to get through this together.
In Pain…LOVE
In Heartbreak…A SONG
In Hopelessness…A HUG
Thank you to everyone who has written me privately, or posted comments to the blog.
There is work to be done.