Tag Archive: intuition

Hello AGAIN and Happy Friday the 13th!!

Today is the day to share some amazing news that the Traveling Psychic Supper Club has been working on for the past year.

I guess the best place to start is kind of what is the beginning.  I hope you’ll stay with me…and if you Started with me, I hope you’ll add anything I’ve forgotten!

It all kind of started with this Event, which brings me full circle today – This was my first event with the Driskill hotel, which I had always seen as a PINNACLE.  I wanted to do something there, but wasn’t sure if I should, like it was too soon after starting the supper club which had just begun in July.  But Lacey was there and said, why not?  WHY NOT THIS YEAR?

So I went with it.

Then I went to a marketing/PR meeting because I kinda suck at that stuff – where I met Dave Mazner of  http://www.meetup.com/PRoverCoffee-Austin/ here in Austin, I told him what I did and he told me to contact

http://austin.culturemap.com/  that they would love what I do and be into the Supper Club.  I did the next day and Michael Graupmann wrote this amazing article.  Which would be instrumental in my/our future and I didn’t even know it.   The Driskill dinners were a huge success and I now work closely with the Driskill on public and private dinners.  I’m having one tonight, in fact!  What better night than Friday the 13th?

So  around Thanksgiving I wrote this:


This is how fast things happen if you let them.

I wrote that post on November 24, 2012.

On December 5, 2012 I got a phone call from a director named David Sauvage .  He had been commissioned to create a pitch about a show about psychics and food by a major Cable Network.  This is David.  He’s awesome!

David and his Production Partner Andrew Bly flew out to meet us for a dinner.  It was at the Driskill.  It was amazing.  David and Andrew were both “one of us”.  Some stuff happened, then we had a tiny setback that wasn’t a setback at all, just a blip and we moved forward.  Someone amazing stepped forward and we were back on track.  We made a plan to start the ball rolling on a production reel and they came out and filmed it in April.  I wrote about it here: http://travelingpsychicsupperclub.com/2013/05/14/psychic-tv-behind-the-scenes-aprils-dinner-at-moonshine/

Then they left, we kept in touch, some stuff happened, Summer happened. The footage was edited and shown to some people – but a lot of them didn’t get it.  So we kept working (David, Andrew and their guys – they kept working.)  We kept having dinners, doing readings, swimming, enjoying our kids/families/LIFE and this amazing wonderful summer of 2013.

Somewhere in there, I got a radio show with an AMAZING online Paranormal Radio community called www.paramaniaradio.com.  Thank you very much to very talented astrologer and Supper Club member Donna Woodwell for making that connection!

During this time, I was still talking to David, and our conversations became much more frequent.  We ended up collaborating on a regular basis, he would say this is what I have – this is where we are, and we would talk and I would channel and we would decifer the information that came in.  And we would go in the direction we were led.  And a very clear direction emerged.  The individual with the right energy emerged so we moved towards that.

Then Susan, Lacey and I went to Boston.  I wrote about that here: https://ifyoucouldseewhatihear.wordpress.com/2013/08/10/so-im-baaaaccckkkk/

We did a radio show from there which was fun.  You can listen to that here:http://paramaniaradio.com/extras/ondemand.php?ondemanddir=Traveling%20Psychic%20Supper%20Club&getfile=Traveling%20Psychic%20Supper%20Club%20-%20Lacey%20Givins%20and%20Susan%20Eischhorn%2020130725.mp3

Our trip to Boston really created a whole new level of energy, even though it involved only Lacey, Susan and myself, it solidified something for all of us.  It was a tipping point and the GAME WAS ON.  By going to Boston, we had, as David says, Put our stake in the ground.

While we were in Boston I had lots of phone calls with David, conversations with Kelly, Lacey and Susan.  Kirby pretty much chills and we fill him in later.  That’s just how Kirby rolls.  He grounds us.  He’s rad.

We were getting offers to partner from some different production companies but the fits weren’t there.  None of they were who I had seen.  I held off on dropping the hammer, and David agreed.  This partnership has been amazing, and correct.  BUT We weren’t there yet.  And these were amazing companies, each and every one.  But it wasn’t right yet.  The correct Tetris blocks hadn’t fallen yet.  The right block would fall right from the top, didn’t need to be twisted or turned, and it would be perfect.

Then it fell.  The right person got it.  And not just got it, but GOT IT.  The right block appeared and fell into place.

So if you’ve stuck with me this far here is the announcement:

I am proud to announce that the Traveling Psychic Supper Club is partnering with the Weinstein Company to create our TV Show.   Some stuff needs to happen between now and then, but it will, and I’ll be heading to New York to pitch the show to networks alongside my Director, Collaborator and Friend, David Sauvage and Harvey Weinstein, who I have yet to meet, but am already excited to connect to this amazing ball of energy.  Things are coming together, and we are here to do the work.  I hope you’ll visit back to see the progress on the project, which I am excited to now openly share.  There is so much energy behind this, and I appreciate the energy that the group, David and Andrew and everyone associated with them – Josh, Alexi, my Hernandez family that I come from, my immediate family – Jim, Pic and Elena, my TPSC Family here in Austin, my extended family at Paramania Radio, and my psychic family that is only growing all over the country.  Everyone who has worked with us on this side, AND the other, Adam and Paige – Love to all you guys.   This is only growing and getting better.

There is work to be done.  I’m here to make things happen, and I don’t mess around.  Thank you to everyone who is behind me and the Traveling Psychic Supper Club.

Perfect timing:  3:33pm

This is how I feel right now.  Can’t Hold Us.  SO many things about this song speak to me on so many levels.  And it’s just wicked fun, when I hear it I move.  My city’s behind me.  And anyone who knows me knows I’m like when you give a little speed to a Great White Shark on Shark Week.  Macklemore’s flag says The Heist.  Mine’s just got an EYE.

Thanks everybody and have an amazing weekend.  Love to you all, Love from Texas

It’s been forever since I’ve written anything here, thoughts have been coming in and out for sure, just not making it to the page.  A lot has gone on in the last month.  I’ll go into that later at some point…but specifically in the past 15 hours I’ve had a proverbial Psychic “shot in the arm”.  So if this writing is a little rusty, I’m trying to just get back into it, so forgive me if this is a bumpy ride…

Long Island Medium started again last night which I sat down and watched some of with my daughter after an exhausting Mother’s Day (hope all you Moms out there had a great day!)  It gave me a couple of different boosts…While watching the show I’m picking up my own cues from the person being read.  I enjoy watching LIM for that reason, it’s kind of like an opportunity to read, without any kind of pressure (that I place on myself) during a reading to “say the right thing”.  Not that I ever know what that is anyway.  Usually “the right thing” is the kookiest thing that could possibly come out of my mouth!

Case in point.

Last night I had a very vivid dream – that included a sink and my favorite Beastie Boy.  And (in the dream) that Beastie Boy’s cousin.  Upon waking, someone’s face/name popped into my head.  In my world, this only means one thing.  I’ve got a phone call to make.  A very weird phone call.

(And no, my psychic phone is not a red rotary phone,

but I like this picture much more than a boring old Iphone sitting on the counter.  It makes me laugh)

So before saying anything else, I’ve got to say this.  Yes, it’s weird.  It’s uncomfortable. It’s not something I want to do, call someone and say…”Uh, Hey, UM…What’s up, yea, I had this dream that I’m supposed to tell you about…” – Luckily this is someone who knows me “psychically”  – which it sounds like it would, but it doesn’t really make it any easier.  Even as a psychic, I second guess myself.  I say, “Yea, that’s crazy – I’m not going to say that!”   but like I tell EVERYBODY ELSE, you can’t judge it.  Judging it pushes it away.  Second guessing it, nope, can’t do it.  Maybe it’s not for you to get.  In my case, it’s never for me to get.  It’s for the receiver.  I’m just the messenger.  I will say it’s easier for me to give a message to someone who has actually COME TO ME for information, more than someone I  just out of the blue have to call on a Monday.

But here’s the kicker.  The information made sense to the person it was meant for.  And it addressed a question.  The sink was almost thrown in there for me, as a validation.   And THAT’S Pretty Freakin’ Awesome.  So what does this mean for you?  This cryptic story about dreams and not second guessing yourself?  It means if you have a feeling that you need to share something, share it.  If you see an opportunity, take it.  Even if it feels absolutely crazy.

Happy Saturday Everyone  🙂

I’ve had a lot of amazing conversations lately. The one unifying factor is this: WE ARE ALL EQUAL.

Last week I spoke at our school district’s annual conference and at one point I noted, and it’s completely true – I see everyone as a peer. Wether you are the Superintendent of schools, or a 4th grader, you are my peer. I have something to learn from either, and both.

Based on that one way of thinking can you see everyone as an equal? How can that be applied to everyday life? And what is the bigger idea here? For me – it’s NO JUDGEMENT.  Of OTHERS and of SELF.  This is huge – and it was huge for me.

Here’s a list of people – as you read it how do you feel? ABOVE or BELOW?  Let’s make this a visual exercise, but with no pictures.  When you read the list, see the individuals in your mind, and check in with your body – using the two words ABOVE AND BELOW

Your (or your kids) DOCTOR
Your (or your kids) TEACHER


So anyone who you see as “ABOVE” you…can you see them as a peer? Seeing everyone as a peer – and treating them as such removes obstacles between people.   And it works in a ripple effect.  How much judgement do we impose on OURSELVES and each other because we expect someone else to have all of the answers because of what we are told is an elevated position?  How much pressure can we take off of ourself and each other by seeing every single person we encounter as a peer?

Here’s another list.  Use the same technique – ABOVE AND BELOW – check in when you see the individual in your mind’s eye.

Your COWORKERS  The Barista at Starbucks

the Custodian in your building  Your NEIGHBORS



Can you see all of the people in the lists ACROSS THE BOARD as an EQUALS  Or do you see the top list as authority figures and the people on the second list as below you?

Where do you feel the most empowered?  The most disheartened?  Can you flip it?  If you aren’t enjoying life – can you flip it?

What does flipping it look like for you?  For me, it’s taking the judgement off.  Of everyone, myself included.  And not projecting my perceptions of a situation onto others involved.  Taking a step back.  Looking at any given situation as a viewer, not a participator.

Taking the Judgement off of OTHERS as well as OURSELVES creates opportunity for amazing transformations to take place.   Have you had a situation that you can remember that had a positive outcome, different from the usual negative outcome that happened because you took the judgement off?  I’ll bring it back to being psychic, clairvoyant, precognative, whatever term applies to you.  Have you ever had your ability perk up and instead of stuffing it back down or second guessing it, you just acknowledged it without judgement?  Can you share it here?  I look forward to hearing from you.  And promise to have NO JUDGEMENT.  🙂  Have an amazing weekend!

So much has happened since (and actually before) I wrote my last post – and hopefully I’ll sit down and go back and pull it up to write it.  But today and for the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking about Fight Club.

I am Tyler Durden.  __________________________________________________________________________________________

And the Traveling Psychic Supper Club is my Fight Club.


A couple of nights ago I was being interviewed and when asked about the most basic things about the members I couldn’t answer.  Where does Kelly work?  I don’t know.

Where does Bobbie work?  I don’t know.  I mean I know where she works, that’s where I met her, but I don’t know the brand she works for.

Does Kirby have kids? I don’t know.

We don’t talk about that stuff.  We don’t care about that stuff.  We don’t talk about jobs, mortgages, property taxes – in fact, It’s kind of our only…not rule.  I’m not really into rules.  It’s more like a guideline.  It’s just not what we’re here for.  That stuff bores me.  It puts Kelly in a coma.  I mean, not like if Kirby has kids I think they’re boring, but it’s not really relevant to why we’ve been brought together.  Unless someone knew me outside of the group before it started, I doubt anyone knows my kid’s names.  And I’m cool with that.

But ask me what does Kelly have?  What are Kelly’s gifts?  Kirby, Lacey, Susan?  And I can tell you.  That I know.  And I can write volumes about it, and know there are volumes more to be written.  Because what we are is evolving…but our project is different than Project Mayhem.  Instead of moving chaotically away from society and getting more and more destructive, we are moving TOWARDS it, and bringing others with us.  It’s going to be pretty freakin’ AWESOME.

We started out underground, a thought, a conversation.  I put out a little flag – a tiny one, and a couple of people saw it and said – HEY!  That tiny flag with the eye on it!  That’s my flag!  I’ll stand under it.

BAM – here we go.

Now, more and more people are seeing the flag.  Some just say, hey, that’s a neat little flag, what’s it about?  And other’s say, HOLY CRAP!  I’ve been dreaming about that flag all my life!! And run to it.  For other’s it speaks to something in them, and not knowing what exactly, and not caring, they come and join us under our flag.  And others remember it, as something vague, something from…somewhere, possibly from a lifetime past.  People from here in Austin came.  And people from other parts of the country came.  People from all over the world are saying…this is my flag.  And this makes me incredibly happy.  We are doing what we are here to do.

So if you are one of us, I say – join us.  If you are an empath, clairvoyant, clairaudient, have premonitions, have as strong sense of intuition, just KNOW things, but don’t know how you know them, see dead people, or are in the right place at the right time, all the time.  Had something as a kid, but it was looked down on, so you hid it away and now you want it back.  Or how about this one – people you’ve just met tell you their whole life story, then tell you, I don’t know why I just told you that.  Then look at YOU like YOU should know.

If you are an outlier, on the fringe, on the cusp, live in between places – Join us.  Amazing things are happening.  We see them, and revel in them.  And it’s only getting better.  Something big is coming – and we are putting positive energy behind it.  When it hits – you’ll know.  And hopefully you can see a part of one of us in yourself.  It’s happening.  And it’s wonderful.  Keys are turning, and connections are being made all in perfect time.

We are ready.  If you’re ready too, I’ve got only one more thing to say to you:


I want you to hit me as hard as you can.



Hello Everyone –

I have been receiving emails from around the planet.  I received one that opened something up for me, and I wanted to share my response here – If I get the go ahead from the sender, I will share the original email in comments below.  I invite you to KEEP sharing your personal experiences here – we are connected and meant to speak up – share our stories.  Thank you to everyone who has shared theirs.

Thank you so much for the wonderful email.  We share that connection of receiving information – and then having that overwhelming sick feeling when what we were seeing finally makes sense.  Ugh, I know that exact feeling in that exact moment.  I hope that is subsiding a bit today for you, as for me, I am seeing something amazing.
Those of us who “saw” or “felt” prior to the event – we are meant to be something like the pole that holds up a massive tent – that’s the best way of explaining – and funny, originally I saw an umbrella, then said that about the tent, and spirit said to me, NO – say an umbrella!  So, OK!  we are like the supporting pole of an umbrella – meant to stand up WHERE WE ARE and project love and light to hold up this huge web of supporting love for others.  That’s our jobs in this time.
I am also seeing something else – the part of How The Grinch Stole Christmas – when the Grinch steals the Who’s gifts and they sing anyway.  Their joy lifting up to grow the Grinch’s heart.
This is overwhelming to me.  A Love and Joy is growing that is expanding up and over the broken-hearted, love rising up through the cracks of pain and grief.  Holding those in pain with compassion.  Pulling them into ourselves and offering our own hearts to offer relief and comfort and expecting nothing in return.  Now I understand the umbrella.  We are each making the choice to open our own umbrellas one to cover another, opening here and there, all over, to create one large cover of love.  I ask you – please open your umbrella and let’s connect to get through this together.
In Pain…LOVE
In Heartbreak…A SONG
In Hopelessness…A HUG
Thank you to everyone who has written me privately, or posted comments to the blog.
There is work to be done.

So it’s obvious to me that it’s time to talk about this – what I call “SPIRITUAL MUSCLE MEMORY”.

I’ve had a few conversations about this recently.  It goes something like this:  My daughter was spending the night with a friend, but I SWEAR I kept seeing her out of the corner of my eye all evening walking between her room and her bathroom down the hall like she does during her regular getting ready for bed routine.

Or – my son has been at camp all week, but I’ve been waking up at the same time every night and when I first open my eyes I see him at my bedside, then I blink and he’s gone.  It happens every night – I called the camp and everything is ok, why does this keep happening, and what does it mean??

I don’t have the “scientific” explanation behind this, but it’s been shown to me as a type of muscle memory .  The energy of a persons spirit continues it’s normal routine, even when the body’s not there to fulfil the actual actions!  I’ve heard of it before, I’ve also talked to people who have woken up or come upon a scene being played out over and over again.  It doesn’t involve them, but it’s almost something that’s being viewed, kind of like watching a movie.  This can be really unsettling – especially when you know the person and they are still very much alive.  In some cases I think, especially when the person being seen is emotionally close to the seer, there is actually a unconcious choice to “leave a piece” behind as a comfort to either the leaver, or the seer, or both.  So if you are experiencing spiritual muscle memory it’s nothing to be afraid of, but see it a little differently and it can actually be experienced as intended, as a form of comfort to the person left behind until the leaver and the seer can be reunited again.

I’m looking forward to dinner next week and seeing everyone again.  If you have had an experience like I’ve described here, please feel free to write about it and share it here on the blog.  Like I always say, this is here for everyone to learn from so please, share away.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.

We are Keepers…

This blog is dedicated to those who experience “psychic”, paranormal, spiritual and (OR) just plain weird phenomenon and want to understand what is happening to them or their family, children, home, etc.  I have experienced these things my entire life and for me it’s not a question of “is it real?”  For me it’s as simple as it just is.  As I’ve said before…just like the sky is blue.  Ya know?  Just is.   I don’t need to know how or why.  I’m not interested in arguing with anyone, I find it tedious and boooorrriiinnggg.  I’m not here to prove anything, just here to give some direction to anyone with questions, create a little community if possible to share information, learn something myself and the world I live in and most of all have some FUN!!  I never take myself too seriously and I believe you never stop learning.

So here’s the deal…I am a keeper, and chances are you are too.  What does that mean…?  Well a keeper is someone who watches out for someone else, and promotes the well-being of others…the saying that comes to mind is “I’m not my brother’s keeper” – but that’s not true – we’re all our brother’s keepers, in the purest sense of the word….  But it’s got another meaning too – someone who you want around.  Yesterday my son’s teacher was talking about what a great kid he is (duh!) and I said, “Yep, he’s a keeper.”  So it’s got a double meaning here.

It’s the word that kept coming to me over the last few months and I finally put it together.  It’s the word for what I do.  I want to promote well-being in others who have questions or want to share their own experiences.  Just shed a little light to let you know, hey you’re not crazy – other people experience this too…this is who I AM, who are YOU?

Yes I do readings, but also I have conversations about this stuff daily on all different levels with all kinds of people.  I receive information, and I get it to where it needs to go.  The main goal of this blog is to promote people trusting their own instincts and letting those instincts lead you to where you belong.  My bet is, if you are here reading this, that you are a keeper too.