Category: Precognitive

Say Anything is one of the greatest movies of all time.

I’ve had the amazing experience lately of being able to relive the 80’s again, but in a whole new way.  Recently I had the  joy of interviewing my dear old friend and new author Kari Luna on my radio show (here’s the link to that show: )- she wrote a bad ass book all about the 80’s, mixed tapes and kooky wonderful outfits, which also includes physics, loving friends and a wonderful story.  Her book is called The Theory of Everything.  You should read it.  it’s Awesome.  The 80’s were Awesome!  And we lived it.  The music the clothes, the awkward situations… everything….SO –  I watched Say Anything this morning with my daughter, who is 15.  I just let her watch it, and didn’t add anything.  That’s the way to watch a movie like that, without any extra stuff to think about.  But here’s the stuff I wanted to say:

Actually, I’m not going to tell you the things I wanted to say about the movie or the people in the movie and where they are now…  I’ll see what everyone remembers about the movie, how it made you feel, or what you think of it now, watching it again as an adult or watching it for the first time.  I’d love it if you added a comment about your thoughts on Say Anything…..Either way, watch it.  This is something I got out of it….and was thinking about as I was watching it.

I am lucky.  NO – I am tremendously lucky.  Diane, the main character in the movie has this wonderful relationship with her father, where she can literally say anything.  It made me start thinking about the people in my life, and how I too, can say anything.  I am amazingly grateful for this.  It has to do with dropping fear.  For me, but also for the people around me, not being afraid.  In the past few weeks I’ve had some opportunities to tell someone, and hear back from someone – Anything.  And coming from a place of not being afraid, was the key.  Not being afraid they couldn’t handle it.  Not being afraid it was the wrong thing.  Or would be taken the wrong way.  Just knowing what I was saying was the right thing – the only thing – this person at this time expected to hear from me.  This is tremendously freeing.  To be able to SAY and HEAR ANYTHING.

No, it’s not always been that way.  Who hasn’t been Diane Court, amazingly hopeful, also disappointed, afraid, not knowing what to do or what comes next?  On a pedestal one minute, then had the rug pulled out, not knowing how bad the fall is going to be?  Who hasn’t been Lloyd Dobler – put it all out there, told the truth, gotten smashed?  Had the opportunity to be the one with the upper hand, and used it with love?  Who hasn’t been Jim Court, wanting to hold onto what you’ve got, while you’re losing everything, living in a prison of poor choices and grave mistakes, created out of sheer love, but turned wrong somewhere all because of wanting to protect someone we love?  Who hasn’t been looked up to, or the one looking up to them?  The one standing on the rug, or the one having the rug pulled out, hard and fast?  The one needing a hand, or the one extending it?  The mistake maker, or the one the mistake was made against?  Who hasn’t been all of them, in one lifetime, at one point or another?

I heard In Your Eyes a whole new way today too, the song Lloyd plays for Diane, yes the iconic  with John Cusack holding the boom box in the rain – there’s only a piece of it, here:  And if you haven’t watched the movie, DON’T WATCH THIS!!  Watch the movie first.  But if you’ve seen it, it’s a nice little recap.  And you get to hear the song.  I like what it says, we’re all complete.  Not YOU COMPLETE ME.  But we are all complete in each other’s eyes.  Especially the eyes of those we love.

Watching this movie again after so many years of experiences…I have a new perspective.  And it’s just as wonderful as my perspective when I saw it the first time.  It’s one of hope.  With a lifetime of education.  It’s waking up not knowing every day, but working with what I’ve got, flying, Like Diane, into the future, with people around and behind me, each a Lloyd Dobler, who is turning it UP past the red line.  We all are each of the characters, looking up, in anticipation, waiting for it, waiting for it…



Hello AGAIN and Happy Friday the 13th!!

Today is the day to share some amazing news that the Traveling Psychic Supper Club has been working on for the past year.

I guess the best place to start is kind of what is the beginning.  I hope you’ll stay with me…and if you Started with me, I hope you’ll add anything I’ve forgotten!

It all kind of started with this Event, which brings me full circle today – This was my first event with the Driskill hotel, which I had always seen as a PINNACLE.  I wanted to do something there, but wasn’t sure if I should, like it was too soon after starting the supper club which had just begun in July.  But Lacey was there and said, why not?  WHY NOT THIS YEAR?

So I went with it.

Then I went to a marketing/PR meeting because I kinda suck at that stuff – where I met Dave Mazner of here in Austin, I told him what I did and he told me to contact  that they would love what I do and be into the Supper Club.  I did the next day and Michael Graupmann wrote this amazing article.  Which would be instrumental in my/our future and I didn’t even know it.   The Driskill dinners were a huge success and I now work closely with the Driskill on public and private dinners.  I’m having one tonight, in fact!  What better night than Friday the 13th?

So  around Thanksgiving I wrote this:

This is how fast things happen if you let them.

I wrote that post on November 24, 2012.

On December 5, 2012 I got a phone call from a director named David Sauvage .  He had been commissioned to create a pitch about a show about psychics and food by a major Cable Network.  This is David.  He’s awesome!

David and his Production Partner Andrew Bly flew out to meet us for a dinner.  It was at the Driskill.  It was amazing.  David and Andrew were both “one of us”.  Some stuff happened, then we had a tiny setback that wasn’t a setback at all, just a blip and we moved forward.  Someone amazing stepped forward and we were back on track.  We made a plan to start the ball rolling on a production reel and they came out and filmed it in April.  I wrote about it here:

Then they left, we kept in touch, some stuff happened, Summer happened. The footage was edited and shown to some people – but a lot of them didn’t get it.  So we kept working (David, Andrew and their guys – they kept working.)  We kept having dinners, doing readings, swimming, enjoying our kids/families/LIFE and this amazing wonderful summer of 2013.

Somewhere in there, I got a radio show with an AMAZING online Paranormal Radio community called  Thank you very much to very talented astrologer and Supper Club member Donna Woodwell for making that connection!

During this time, I was still talking to David, and our conversations became much more frequent.  We ended up collaborating on a regular basis, he would say this is what I have – this is where we are, and we would talk and I would channel and we would decifer the information that came in.  And we would go in the direction we were led.  And a very clear direction emerged.  The individual with the right energy emerged so we moved towards that.

Then Susan, Lacey and I went to Boston.  I wrote about that here:

We did a radio show from there which was fun.  You can listen to that here:

Our trip to Boston really created a whole new level of energy, even though it involved only Lacey, Susan and myself, it solidified something for all of us.  It was a tipping point and the GAME WAS ON.  By going to Boston, we had, as David says, Put our stake in the ground.

While we were in Boston I had lots of phone calls with David, conversations with Kelly, Lacey and Susan.  Kirby pretty much chills and we fill him in later.  That’s just how Kirby rolls.  He grounds us.  He’s rad.

We were getting offers to partner from some different production companies but the fits weren’t there.  None of they were who I had seen.  I held off on dropping the hammer, and David agreed.  This partnership has been amazing, and correct.  BUT We weren’t there yet.  And these were amazing companies, each and every one.  But it wasn’t right yet.  The correct Tetris blocks hadn’t fallen yet.  The right block would fall right from the top, didn’t need to be twisted or turned, and it would be perfect.

Then it fell.  The right person got it.  And not just got it, but GOT IT.  The right block appeared and fell into place.

So if you’ve stuck with me this far here is the announcement:

I am proud to announce that the Traveling Psychic Supper Club is partnering with the Weinstein Company to create our TV Show.   Some stuff needs to happen between now and then, but it will, and I’ll be heading to New York to pitch the show to networks alongside my Director, Collaborator and Friend, David Sauvage and Harvey Weinstein, who I have yet to meet, but am already excited to connect to this amazing ball of energy.  Things are coming together, and we are here to do the work.  I hope you’ll visit back to see the progress on the project, which I am excited to now openly share.  There is so much energy behind this, and I appreciate the energy that the group, David and Andrew and everyone associated with them – Josh, Alexi, my Hernandez family that I come from, my immediate family – Jim, Pic and Elena, my TPSC Family here in Austin, my extended family at Paramania Radio, and my psychic family that is only growing all over the country.  Everyone who has worked with us on this side, AND the other, Adam and Paige – Love to all you guys.   This is only growing and getting better.

There is work to be done.  I’m here to make things happen, and I don’t mess around.  Thank you to everyone who is behind me and the Traveling Psychic Supper Club.

Perfect timing:  3:33pm

This is how I feel right now.  Can’t Hold Us.  SO many things about this song speak to me on so many levels.  And it’s just wicked fun, when I hear it I move.  My city’s behind me.  And anyone who knows me knows I’m like when you give a little speed to a Great White Shark on Shark Week.  Macklemore’s flag says The Heist.  Mine’s just got an EYE.

Thanks everybody and have an amazing weekend.  Love to you all, Love from Texas

Today is a melancholy day.  Kids back in school, mixed feelings.  Pictures taken.  Started great, watched my sophomore walk off to the bus stop with her best friend, curls bobbing as she got smaller.  Drove the other to Middle School with Beastie Boys on the stere-O, Kisses goodbye.  Now I have the house to myself again, and hours of silence and peace and quiet, except for the occasional chicken cackle from out back or the new budgie chirping from up front.  Or phone call.  And all these emails to answer.

Still moving forward on that little idea, that little flag that was raised, which is snowballing into its own wonderful entity…

THE PROJECT we call it.  For now.

So with phone calls made for the day, emails sent, I finally get to sit down and write on the blog again.  And having come through all different kinds of emotions today I’m settling on words that I guess are a poem, constructed from a few of todays experiences.  If you like this, great.  If not, I’m not going to apologize.  It’s where I am, right now.

Where are you?

Walking back through the doors of the haunted house, I get a glimpse of who I am.  In my space which I have created, alone again.  Not bad alone, not good alone, indifferent, sloshing from light to dark and back again.  Swirling on the tilt a whirl.

Darkness on my right shoulder is mirrored by the angel on my left.  The constant tornado of light that pounds into my head from above, directly behind my left eye, is now joined by the new spike hammered in through my left temple.  A steel hammer on a steel spike, tink, tink, tink.  Not nearly as unpleasant as it sounds.

I’m done with talking, voice worn out.  Just watching and waiting, for the next piece.  I’ve extended the only hand I can.  So I’m Ophelia now.  Sinking slowly, gently smiling.  Not in water, but in blood.  As the sun warms my face, I wait.

 I’ve got my number now.

by Katie Rose Pipkin

artwork by Katie Rose Pipkin



Hello Everyone!!

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to post this – but tonight is my first Radio EVER Broadcast of…..

Traveling Psychic Supper Club – the radio show – on!!!

I would love it if you would join me in celebrating this very special event – the show starts at 5:00PM Central time and it’s a live, much larger version of the dinners I hold here in Austin.


(I write a blog about that too, although not as extensive as this one, at  The show is about anything and everything psychic – for anyone from beginner, everyday people, all the way up to professional psychics.  I’ll be discussing different topics – tonight is kind of an into – but I’ve also got a wonderful Guest – Jackie Mihalchick – AKA Clairgirl – who writes an amazing blog here: has become a friend and confidant – a fellow Clair with whom I’ve had MANY parallels – which I’m sure we’ll discuss tonight!  We will be discussing whatever comes up!  So I invite you to call in with anything you would like to share or a question you may have.  I think the show is going to be a great place to connect with old psychic friends and make new ones.

IF you are interested in being a guest please contact me via email at so we can talk – My greatest desire with this show is getting even more information out there about how REGULAR people are psychic, and that we all have these tremendous abilities within us.

I’ve already been in contact with many, many psychics, authors and overall amazing people who want to be a part of this show and I am excited to see which direction this takes me.  I know it’s a part of my path and hopefully part of yours!!  Oh yea, and that little ole TV show I mentioned a while back, wonderful things are happening with that too – so, STAY TUNED!! – but TUNE IN for sure tonight, on, and take your seat at the psychic table!

At 5:00pm central, 6:00pm eastern, CALL IN NUMBER is displayed on the screen during the show – I’d love to hear from you!  Thanks again for everything, everyone that reads this blog, leaves a comment or shares and idea – you are wonderful and important to me and I appreciate you!!

Thanks guys!!! Much Love!  Deborah

AKA @suburbanclairvoyant


ALRIGHT… the Traveling Psychic Supper Club has been working on  project for a while and it’s time for me to share it.  I’m writing about it on the Clair Blog – although it’s Supper Club related because this is really personal to me, and it’s an experience that is COMPLETELY CLAIRVOYANT and I just keep seeing that this is where it belongs.  Because this is where it started, and you can get to it from the Traveling Supper Club Page too.  The journey started here, and the whole thing is based in the clairvoyant, and the perfect coming together of 5 ABSOLUTE strangers to create something amazing and new and different.

So then Reader, let me ask you, if there were another Psychic TV Show on about a Psychic Supper Club, that is also a support group of sorts, something that shows you that YOU are psychic to, because let’s face it, we all are, and showed you how to access that and apply it to your everyday life, would you watch it?  A show about regular people who you could sit down and talk with, someone like you or your brother, or your neighbor?  That you could access through the blog, and then maybe even sit down and talk with one on one (or really, 5 on 1 – we’re not scary, and we don’t bite…) Some one REAL?

I hope so – because that’s what we are working on right now – going into April working with our Amazing Director and Producer to create just what people are looking for and want to see.   This is a completely new and exciting experience for all of us – none of us has ever done TV before, we come from “regular” lives, and it’s crazy and wonderful and REAL, even though it’s totally UNREAL.  And it’s not for us, it’s for EVERYONE and we are doing it with that intent:  That EVERYONE can get something from it, kids, adults, families, friends.  So that we can start a discussion that moves forward and around to become many other conversations…So this is it – this is the project, I hope you’ll follow the progress whether it’s through the TPSC page or the If You Could See What I Hear page, I invite you to join us.  Because after all, you are one of us.  Thank you for reading, for following, whether you just started today, or have been with me since the beginning, you are welcome, and I am happy you are here.

Next installment:  How it all happened…Stay Tuned!

Happy Saturday Everyone  🙂

I’ve had a lot of amazing conversations lately. The one unifying factor is this: WE ARE ALL EQUAL.

Last week I spoke at our school district’s annual conference and at one point I noted, and it’s completely true – I see everyone as a peer. Wether you are the Superintendent of schools, or a 4th grader, you are my peer. I have something to learn from either, and both.

Based on that one way of thinking can you see everyone as an equal? How can that be applied to everyday life? And what is the bigger idea here? For me – it’s NO JUDGEMENT.  Of OTHERS and of SELF.  This is huge – and it was huge for me.

Here’s a list of people – as you read it how do you feel? ABOVE or BELOW?  Let’s make this a visual exercise, but with no pictures.  When you read the list, see the individuals in your mind, and check in with your body – using the two words ABOVE AND BELOW

Your (or your kids) DOCTOR
Your (or your kids) TEACHER


So anyone who you see as “ABOVE” you…can you see them as a peer? Seeing everyone as a peer – and treating them as such removes obstacles between people.   And it works in a ripple effect.  How much judgement do we impose on OURSELVES and each other because we expect someone else to have all of the answers because of what we are told is an elevated position?  How much pressure can we take off of ourself and each other by seeing every single person we encounter as a peer?

Here’s another list.  Use the same technique – ABOVE AND BELOW – check in when you see the individual in your mind’s eye.

Your COWORKERS  The Barista at Starbucks

the Custodian in your building  Your NEIGHBORS



Can you see all of the people in the lists ACROSS THE BOARD as an EQUALS  Or do you see the top list as authority figures and the people on the second list as below you?

Where do you feel the most empowered?  The most disheartened?  Can you flip it?  If you aren’t enjoying life – can you flip it?

What does flipping it look like for you?  For me, it’s taking the judgement off.  Of everyone, myself included.  And not projecting my perceptions of a situation onto others involved.  Taking a step back.  Looking at any given situation as a viewer, not a participator.

Taking the Judgement off of OTHERS as well as OURSELVES creates opportunity for amazing transformations to take place.   Have you had a situation that you can remember that had a positive outcome, different from the usual negative outcome that happened because you took the judgement off?  I’ll bring it back to being psychic, clairvoyant, precognative, whatever term applies to you.  Have you ever had your ability perk up and instead of stuffing it back down or second guessing it, you just acknowledged it without judgement?  Can you share it here?  I look forward to hearing from you.  And promise to have NO JUDGEMENT.  🙂  Have an amazing weekend!

So much has happened since (and actually before) I wrote my last post – and hopefully I’ll sit down and go back and pull it up to write it.  But today and for the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking about Fight Club.

I am Tyler Durden.  __________________________________________________________________________________________

And the Traveling Psychic Supper Club is my Fight Club.


A couple of nights ago I was being interviewed and when asked about the most basic things about the members I couldn’t answer.  Where does Kelly work?  I don’t know.

Where does Bobbie work?  I don’t know.  I mean I know where she works, that’s where I met her, but I don’t know the brand she works for.

Does Kirby have kids? I don’t know.

We don’t talk about that stuff.  We don’t care about that stuff.  We don’t talk about jobs, mortgages, property taxes – in fact, It’s kind of our only…not rule.  I’m not really into rules.  It’s more like a guideline.  It’s just not what we’re here for.  That stuff bores me.  It puts Kelly in a coma.  I mean, not like if Kirby has kids I think they’re boring, but it’s not really relevant to why we’ve been brought together.  Unless someone knew me outside of the group before it started, I doubt anyone knows my kid’s names.  And I’m cool with that.

But ask me what does Kelly have?  What are Kelly’s gifts?  Kirby, Lacey, Susan?  And I can tell you.  That I know.  And I can write volumes about it, and know there are volumes more to be written.  Because what we are is evolving…but our project is different than Project Mayhem.  Instead of moving chaotically away from society and getting more and more destructive, we are moving TOWARDS it, and bringing others with us.  It’s going to be pretty freakin’ AWESOME.

We started out underground, a thought, a conversation.  I put out a little flag – a tiny one, and a couple of people saw it and said – HEY!  That tiny flag with the eye on it!  That’s my flag!  I’ll stand under it.

BAM – here we go.

Now, more and more people are seeing the flag.  Some just say, hey, that’s a neat little flag, what’s it about?  And other’s say, HOLY CRAP!  I’ve been dreaming about that flag all my life!! And run to it.  For other’s it speaks to something in them, and not knowing what exactly, and not caring, they come and join us under our flag.  And others remember it, as something vague, something from…somewhere, possibly from a lifetime past.  People from here in Austin came.  And people from other parts of the country came.  People from all over the world are saying…this is my flag.  And this makes me incredibly happy.  We are doing what we are here to do.

So if you are one of us, I say – join us.  If you are an empath, clairvoyant, clairaudient, have premonitions, have as strong sense of intuition, just KNOW things, but don’t know how you know them, see dead people, or are in the right place at the right time, all the time.  Had something as a kid, but it was looked down on, so you hid it away and now you want it back.  Or how about this one – people you’ve just met tell you their whole life story, then tell you, I don’t know why I just told you that.  Then look at YOU like YOU should know.

If you are an outlier, on the fringe, on the cusp, live in between places – Join us.  Amazing things are happening.  We see them, and revel in them.  And it’s only getting better.  Something big is coming – and we are putting positive energy behind it.  When it hits – you’ll know.  And hopefully you can see a part of one of us in yourself.  It’s happening.  And it’s wonderful.  Keys are turning, and connections are being made all in perfect time.

We are ready.  If you’re ready too, I’ve got only one more thing to say to you:


I want you to hit me as hard as you can.



So it’s a big day, New Year’s Eve – a great day, end of the year, on the verge of the new – also my 15th Wedding Anniversary.  So it’s a pretty big day.  And I’m chewing on a few things, some new, some old, and I invite you to chill with me for a sec and reflect.  Oh yea, and I want to tell you how amazing you are – got your attention?

This has been a pinnacle year for me.  It’s my first year on the blog – which started in January – so a full year of writing.  This alone is a huge personal accomplishment.  My kids program ( which I am hugely proud of, is working in schools and the community.  The two sides of who I am are merging together.  I feel like I’ve finally let all the guards down and started being ME.  I’ve started putting myself out there, and connecting with others that are doing the same.  I made a decision about mid year – that I would only allow amazing people into my life.  Period.  And you know what happened?  That’s who’s come to me.  From all over, and I mean ALL over.  And it all started on the blog.  So WORDPRESS, a huge shout out, and props and all that.  I couldn’t have done it without you.

SO some of you may be thinking, ONLY AMAZING PEOPLE?  Well, who do you think you are?  Here’s your answer.

I’M AMAZING..  AND SO ARE YOU – That’s what I’m here saying today.  We are all connected, we are all amazing.  if you are hiding your light, WHY?

LET GO OF MEDIOCRE. PERIOD.  It does not serve you.  So, now this takes me into something else, which created some discomfort for me yesterday, but I’m going with it and I hope you’ll stick with me to the end.  I’ve been accused recently of being a Liberal.  Which actually I’m not.  Because I see the words in the sense that they are thrown around lately – LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE as ugly words, mudslinging words meant to sting, or irritate, or whatever.  I’m not on board with it.  I’m actually really over it.  My DEAR old Friend Shannon gave me the opportunity to look at this and shine a light on it – for that I am grateful, why I am so over this bickering back and forth especially here, in the US.

SO this is what I’ve got.  I’m not a liberal.  I’m a Child Advocate.  I’m a CASA.  I get to spend time with a child that is in the system, I go to court and I STAND for that child.  I STAND.  I am part of a network of people that are getting up and STANDING.  In all kinds of places.  People that are getting up and living a passion.  And not just CASA’s.  I am meeting Writers, and Educators, and Administrators, Clairvoyants, Speakers, filmmakers, Chefs.  I’m meeting REGULAR people doing EXTRAORDINARY THINGS.  People that are STANDING.  People that are AMAZING.  That are looking around them and saying, this isn’t enough.  I can do better.  AND I’m meeting more and more every day.  We are connecting.  Here on the blog, in Restaurants, in Schools, in Homes.  We are coming together.  And this is just this year.  So much has happened this year, I am in AWE – and AWE isn’t even a big enough word.  I am honored to be a part of this wonderful thing – and to have been given a voice in this forum to promote it.

Recently a new (an, familiarly old at the same time) friend- David told me “you are a thousand people in one”.  I took that as an amazing compliment – but also recognized, it is amazingly tiring.  So, I am going to do some slowing down this next year, and know that I don’t have to do everything all the time.  If I am doing everything, I may be taking an opportunity away from someone else to shine.  So, I’m going to take a little time to smell the roses (and hopefully the Carbona – in person at Landmarc…in NY) in the very near future…

This has been a year of Pinnacles, as I said.  Starting the blog.  Starting the Traveling Psychic Supper Club. Having the dinner that I thought was the Pinnacle at the Driskill – that lead to so much more than I ever could have imagined.  AND having a BLAST along the way.  I don’t have goals, I have Pinnacles, I reach one, then see another.  And I have the faith to know I will reach it, with no fear.  This is what this looks like, this is STANDING.  So if you have been waiting for a formal invitation – here it is.  I am reaching out my hand to you – with love, because you are amazing too.  And I am asking you – will you STAND TOO?

Happy New Year everyone.  From Outside Austin, Texas

Something else coming.  This is what I keep getting over and over.  Third. Trifecta. Trinity.

Ok I am being told to put this in here AT THE TOP SO PEOPLE WILL READ IT.  SO PLEASE FREAKIN’ READ THIS – and then read the rest.

LAY DOWN THIS GUN CONTROL FIGHT.  NO MATTER WHICH SIDE YOU ARE ON.  The FIGHTING is FEEDING SOMETHING.  Something we don’t want.  I keep seeing the “negative” as the Grinch.  Standing there smirking, saying,


This fight over guns reminds me of the Native American Story about TWO WOLVES -which I grabbed from this pretty amazing site:


Two Wolves

An old Cherokee told his grandson that a battle that goes on inside each us. The battle is between two ‘wolves’. One ‘wolf’ is Evil. It has anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other ‘wolf’ is Good. It has joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

I ask you to consider, if you are fighting, which one are you feeding?  I’m not interested in getting into politics – and this isn’t about politics anyway.  It’s a simple question with a simple answer  – WHICH ONE DO YOU FEED?



UGH.  While receiving today, I thought, maybe I am just driving myself crazy with this.  I’m going to take a break here in a few but wanted to share this:  I consulted the Tarot Deck which I have only recently started to learn, and use as a tool – similar to how I used the Doreen Virtue Angel Deck.

I did a quick reading basing thought on Adam Lanza and received what I imagined I would, the reading included the Seven of Swords – a thief, and Inverted Fool, a confused individual.  I wish I had photographed the reading but I didn’t.  I can’t remember anything else about it.

But then I did a one card pull regarding this feeling that there is a third event.  This is the card I got:

three of swords

This is my answer.  Three swords inserted in to a heart.  Sorrow and pain.  Tears fall like rain in the back.  The card is INVERTED, so this is the description of the Upright Three of Swords – as taken from READING TAROT CARDS – by Susan Hansson the book that accompanies the Palladini Deck.  These are from her writings – Susan is a dear friend of mine, so I hope she doesn’t mind…

Three of Swords:  Upright: Heartache and Sorrow.  Tears and Anguish.  Forced separations, loss of love or loved ones.  loneliness.  Emotional Upheaval.  Difficult trying time.  Intense Emotional Pain or Scars.  Betrayals.  Disappointment in Love.

These are the meanings of the INVERTED or REVERSED card.  Sorrow to a lesser degree.  Confusion, Possible danger of position being compromised.  Disorder.  Broken Promises.  Quarreling, Conflict, War.

Even though the reversed card is to a lesser degree, it’s still denoting pain and sorrow.

After reading this I took a short break to peel eggs for deviled eggs that I was going to take to a party I’m not going to make it to.  While I was doing that I KEPT getting:  a feeling of agitation.  A disappointment.  I heard “They are already forgetting”.  and “This can still be avoided.”  Almost coming from two different places, one of good the other…a place desiring pain.  The Angel and Devil on the shoulder almost.

So this is what I take from the reading and what I received after.  We must continue to hold Connecticut in our hearts.  We cannot go back to our everyday lives and forget.  This doesn’t mean wallow in the pain, it means let it change us for good.  Let us carry it to our own families to bond us together.  There is one “side” that wants Chaos and destruction, another that wants peace and love.   Please no one start talking to me about devils here – it’s not a red man with a pitchfork, it’s the collective consciousness.  Telling us, well, you asked for this.  All of this worry and focus on 2012 has brought this to us.  Mayan’s started what you now can finish – you decide the way.  The Mayan’s played their part with that damn calendar that so many people put validity in and now we are living the outcome.  So Sandy Hooks happens and people say, “WHY>>> How did this tragedy happen???”

So that is the Negative talking, right?  Here is Light’s response:  Continue to hold space.  Continue to do whatever it is you do, the best way you know how.  PRAY.  Comfort.  Support.  LOVE.  Families KEEP that bond that this tragedy has afforded us.  Strengthen it and grow it.

Be the WHOS and SING.

whos singing


I see the Grinch smirking.  But Remember what happened at the end?

We can do this.


SO – I am reaching out to anyone who walks in light.  Light workers, Energy workers, Indigos, our Stars and Crystals.  If you practice DEEKSHA – YOU TOO.  Let’s get the word out to the Deeksha Community right away. WHATEVER RELIGION YOU FOLLOW OR DON’T FOLLOW – This means you too.

Whatever this third thing is, can be avoided.

It just takes strength, love and light.  In the case that it happens anyway – so be it.  We will just have to stand where we are and continue to hold space – keeping our umbrellas open.  Whatever the result all things happen in perfect time.  Let’s put what we have out there and have faith in the best.

Please join me in broadcasting LOVE AND LIGHT.  No matter who you are if you stop here I ask you to leave a comment that simply says LOVE.  Then tell someone about what we need to do.  Thank you to anyone who response, in advance.

I received this email recently and when I went to respond directly to the writer, I got a mailer daemon.  So I thought I would respond here on the blog, since I think this is information for us all.  Please read on…from Reader A.
Hi Deborah
 I was just reading over your blog and found it very interesting.  I am so sorry you have to see those glimpses of events, it sure does sound like torture.  I don’t know if you have any mediumistic abilities or know anyone who does, but I have been feeling increasing anxiety over those souls who were lost in the CT shooting.  I am so worried that these people won’t realize they were killed or even worse that the spirit of the shooter could still be holding them there.  I really hope these adults and children all made their way safely into the light.  I wish there was some way to know for sure.  This was my idea to help.  I certainly hope these victims are not still suffering, even after the death of their physical bodies.
Reader A.
I have received many messages and emails like this so I think it is looking to be addressed.
Please know I am not trying to upset anyone by this response, but only am relaying information I have received.
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families.  __________________________________________________________________________________________
My Response:
Thank you so much for taking the time to write.  Please don’t feel anxious for the souls that have past.  Although it may sound crazy, it was a part of their path, their parent’s path, and also amazingly the killer Adam Lanza’s path. They have played a role in a much bigger picture – to create an opportunity for love and connection across the planet.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and she said, “why did it have to be little kids??  Why did it have to be so terrible”  In response I heard the words – “It had to be so terrible to make people take notice.  To stop everyone, to make them pause to then come together.  It was the only way to get the world’s attention.”  and that made sense to me.  I know this is difficult for us to comprehend, it is even for me, but it’s true.
Know that the children and staff have crossed over perfectly.  Others were actually preparing for this on the other side.  Over there, this is a joyous occasion.  Hard to believe but it’s true.  They went home.  🙂  Heartbreaking for those of us left behind, especially the parents and families, but it’s part of a larger design.  And they are honored and loved everywhere because of it.
I would like to encourage anyone with questions to ASK them here on the blog.  Or send them to me personally.  I am doing my part to help – and this blog is a big piece of that.  So please – if you have questions, ASK.  I will do my best to help.
Thank you for reading, and peace to all.  Let’s continue to send love and support to Connecticut, and around the world.
– Deborah